Ingredients: 10-15 Serving
(Preparating and Cooking Time 15 – 20 minutes) * 1 pound shredded seasoned dry cuttlefish (I've used this brand because it was on sale so use any brand)
* 1 Cup of Korean Red Chili Paste (You can use 1/2 cup too)
* 1/2 cup of soysauce
* 1 Cup of MulYut (Corn Syrup) or 1 Cup of Sugar
* 3 tablespoon of sesame oil
*3 tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds
* 1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper * 1 teaspoon of Mirin (Optional)
* 2 tablespoon of ground flax seeds (Optional) I've been making this dish for over 20 years and this dish is so much softer to eat then frying it first. You can fry cuttlefish and make it more like fried anchovy (멸치볶음) and that taste good too.